My deck collection

Why would a Tarot Reader need more than one or two Tarot decks? Even if the archetype is depicted differently on each deck, it still conveys the same meaning, right?

I admit, I might have gone overboard since digging for my first deck. Apparently, I tapped a huge barrel and created a well-functioning pipe, because decks are still pouring into my home ever since.

My curiosity was piqued and I got pretty excited when I discovered that there existed a separate land of milk and honey in a universe devoted to Tarot decks, oracles, and other divination tools.

There are countless themes, sizes, and captivating imagery with truth-revealing messages that you simply can't ignore once you're hooked. I claim these cards as treasures, because to me a deck is like a wise friend or a mentor. Their purpose isn’t just about connecting soul to soul, but also to follow your journey and see how you change and grow over time.

Nonetheless, as every Tarot deck designer interprets and mirrors each archetype differently in their deck creations, it has an impact on every reading. As I've learned by now, it matters which of my decks I choose, because certain images help me unlock and transmit the wisdom stored in my heart.

Check out a selection of my little cardboard helpers in the gallery below! The pictures will direct you to a page where you can read more about this deck or even shop for it directly from its creator, publisher, or Amazon shop. Don’t be surprised to stumble upon a “lollipop-cotton-candy-fairyland” deck! Despite its cheery, jolly energy - and perhaps a fairy beckoning you - these cards deliver messages just as meaningful and serious as those from a traditional Tarot deck!

Take 'em all in … they’re yours to discover!

What’s on your heart?